Power Pros Forum

The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey
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Author:  jag123jg [ Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

if we're giving out steam names....


Author:  detroittigers15 [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

My Steam name is Nuxh.

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 89 - 1775 B.C. (Ancient Era) (cont.)

Despite Mathematics taking more time to finish than any of the other three projects, my citizens felt that it was the way to go. It wasn't my favorite choice of the four, personally, but I am excited about the future projects we would be able to research after we are done with this one.

Turn 90 - 1750 B.C. (Ancient Era)

Another civilization has entered the Classical Era. Good for them, I guess.

Our Worker in Versailles has started work on another farm in the city. With its population rising at a pretty fast rate, getting the citizens more food is a top priority for our second city.

Our Spearmen have entered Versailles. For now, until they gather more troops, I will have them stationed inside the capital in order to give the city a boost in its defense.

Turn 91 - 1725 B.C. (Ancient Era)

The Aztecs have become the third civilization to enter the Classical Era. I am starting to get a little worried that we aren't advancing as quickly as we should...

Versailles has grown to a population of 21,000! I am excited for the growth these new citizens will bring to the city.

Our older Archers have come into contact with another civilization! He introduced himself as Darius of Persia. Darius had a very impressive palace, which he invited me to, much more lavish than the one Harun al-Rashid has. I had never seen so much gold in one place before! After having a friendly chat, I told him I was very busy and went on my way back to France.

Turn 92 - 1700 B.C. (Ancient Era)

Just like Versailles before it, Paris has also seen a large population growth. Our capital now has a population of 90,000 people! With this growth, we become the first civilization to have a population above 100,000 people, which is great news and bodes well for our civilization's future.

I decided to expand Versailles' borders and add a few resources in the process. The two plots of land I purchased, worth 175 Gold in total, contained a source of Fur and a source of Deer, respectively.

Turn 93 - 1675 B.C. (Ancient Era)

I realized that France really needed Horses to build a Chariot Archer, a military unit I had sought to purchase. Since there were none in any area near France, I decided I had to become Colombo's ally, as they managed to have horses in their little area of land. Once I take out the Barbarian camp near them, and accumulate some more Gold, I would have to engage in some diplomacy with them. I'd much rather attack them, but we don't have the manpower to accomplish this task...


Oh, also, everyone else just explored. Another Barbarian camp did form in the middle of Paris, Versailles, and Mecca, but I decided to let Harun fight them for now.

Turn 94 - 1650 B.C. (Ancient Era)

We pretty much did nothing but explore again. I don't have anything else to add.

Turn 95 - 1625 B.C. (Ancient Era)

A trade route that Mecca established with Versailles was broken up and plundered by Barbarians. It affected them more than us, but nonetheless, it is still quite infuriating.

Our older Archers found another natural wonder, known as King Solomon's Mines. It was already located within Persian soil, however, so there wasn't much we could do with it. Nonetheless, our citizens were still happier knowing about the discovery.

Turn 96 - 1600 B.C. (Ancient Era)

At long last, Versailles has completed production on their Scout unit. In even better news, it turns out our discovery of King Solomon's mines has impressed Colombo so much, we have officially become allies! Looks like I don't have to give them any Gold after all!

I told Versailles to work on producing a new Shrine, as we might as well start building up some Faith so that we can establish a religion. If we want our culture to dominate the world, we can't have other Civilizations' religions dominate our cities.

Our Spearmen attacked the Barbarians near Versailles and Colombo, looking a lot stronger during and after the battle.

Our older Archers made another discovery, meeting another City-State known as Geneva. Geneva provided us with 15 Gold and some knowledge of their religious rituals. After a quick tour of the land, I noticed these people were indeed very religious. Their leader also mentioned that they were under Persian protection, meaning if we make enemies with Geneva, then we also make enemies with Persia. I will make sure to keep that in mind.

(Barbarian Spearmen took 37 damage, French Spearmen took 26 damage)

Turn 97 - 1575 B.C. (Ancient Era)

Our Spearmen and Scout attacked the Barbarians again. I had assumed they'd be dead, so I didn't bother watching either of the attacks. When I came back, I was surprised to see the Barbarians still standing. I tore my troops a new one and told them that they had better kill the Barbarians with their next attack, or else.

Our older Archers also stumbled upon a Barbarian camp. It seems that after a short break, they will have to fight again. I hope they aren't rusty...

Turn 98 - 1550 B.C. (Ancient Era)

Our Scouts finished off the Barbarians, getting 37 Gold as usual from their camp. I had my Spearmen head east into Paris, where a Barbarian unit was reported to be in the area.

Turn 99 - 1525 B.C. (Ancient Era)

The very Barbarian unit I had previously mentioned had come into Paris and destroyed one of our Silver mines. Paris attacked the savages but did not kill them, leaving me to wonder what they will manage to destroy next.

(Barbarian unit took 29 damage)

Turn 100 - 1500 B.C. (Ancient Era)

The Barbarians have now destroyed a Parisian farm. I decided to buy another Spearman to make sure this never happens again and to prevent them from destroying more of our land improvements. In the meantime, Paris attacked the Barbarians but still could not finish them off.

Our older Archer ran into the troops of another Civilization. I met with their leader, who called himself Ramkhamhaeng of the Siamese Civilization. I think I'll just refer to him as Ram for now.

The discovery of the Siamese Civilization leaves us with only 3 Civs left to go before we have officially met all of them.

Turn 101 - 1475 B.C. (Ancient Era)

Barbarians had managed to kidnap our Worker in Paris for a little while. Thankfully, we were able to kill them before they got too far away from us.

Ram came forward with a proposal for us to build embassies in each other's capitals. I agreed to the mutually beneficial deal, and I thought it was pretty nice that he would do such a thing despite us having just met.

Turn 102 - 1450 B.C. (Ancient Era)

We have met the troops of another civilization again! I met their leader, who called himself Temujin but had the official title of Genghis Khan of Mongolia. He bragged a lot about his own personal strength and seemed quite cocky. His bragging reminded me of a tale of a man who considered himself for years to be a Golden God with many minions beneath him, only for him to find out he was not as powerful or as loved as he originally thought.

Khan immediately offered us an embassy swap, which I accepted.

Turn 103 - 1425 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have officially entered the Classical Era. Now that we've made it to this point, I have to say that Classical Era sounds a lot better than Ancient Era. I still haven't noticed any benefits to it, though.

Our era advancement was due to the fact that we completed the Mathematics project! I decided that we would work on Trapping next, as it didn't take that much time, it was recommended by my economic and science advisers, and we can make great use of this technology with our current resources.

Versailles has grown to a population of 48,000! I'm incredibly surprised at how fast our newest city has grown, and I back it to grow even faster in the future!

Another Barbarian unit has been spotted inside Paris. I sent our Spearmen into the Citadel and attacked the unit with Paris. However, odds are that they will destroy one more of our mines before we can kill them.

Our older Archers have made yet another discovery, as they have met the city-state of Jerusalem. Jerusalem provided us with 15 Gold and knowledge of their religious rituals. Just like Geneva, Jerusalem was also a deeply religious city-state. However, they seemed a lot more friendly than Geneva did. Jerusalem was under protection from both Siam and Persia, so I definitely do not want to mess with them for now.

(Barbarian unit took 27 damage)

Turn 104 - 1400 B.C. (Classical Era)

Surprisingly, the Barbarians were NOT able to destroy our mine before we could destroy them, which is, of course, great news. The Spearmen stationed in our Citadel headed southeast to destroy the camp that the Barbarian unit came from, while our Scout and other Spearmen fought against the Barbarians that were stationed in between France and Mecca.

Turn 105 - 1375 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Spearmen killed off the Barbarian unit and dispersed their camp, taking 37 Gold while doing so. Our different Spearmen came across the Barbarians situated southeast of Paris, noting they were far less advanced technologically than most Barbarians nowadays.

Turn 106 - 1350 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Spearmen attacked the Barbarians, looking much stronger with their more advanced weapons.

(Barbarian Brute took 45 damage, French Spearmen took 19 damage)

Turn 107 - 1325 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Spearmen attacked the Barbarians again, doing a bit better than before. This should be another easy victory for the French military.

Our older Archers discovered another Natural Wonder, known as Mt. Kailash. This wonder was quite close to Siam, so unless we can sail over there and settle a city before they claim Kailash, there is nothing we can do with it. The discovery of this Natural Wonder has strengthened our alliance with Colombo.

(Barbarian Brute took 46 damage, French Spearmen took 14 damage)

Turn 108 - 1300 B.C. (Classical Era)

We killed the Barbarian unit and cleared their camp, but not before they were able to form a different unit, this one with more advanced technology. I am afraid of the possibility of our Spearmen dying in battle, despite sending my Scout over as reinforcement.

In even worse news, our newer Archers were killed in battle after being swarmed by multiple Barbarian units. Their bravery will not be forgotten.

Darius and I agreed to an embassy swap. I am pretty sure we now have embassies in every civilization we have met, and vice versa.


There's a reference in here that I hope you guys get but if you don't then that's no biggie

Sorry about no poll. I couldn't find anything that would make for a good poll scenario. If any of you have some ideas for one then please PM me.

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 109 - 1275 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our first Spearmen unit, the one that had previously fought Barbarians in between France and Mecca, had returned to Paris. I sent them into our capital building to heal while also providing help in case Paris gets attacked anytime soon.

Inexplicably, our other Spearmen, the ones whom I had written off as all but dead, inexplicably gained a decent number of troops back. With the new Spearmen feeling fresh and invigorated, they were able to kill the Barbarian unit that had only formed a short time ago.

The Scout unit I had sent over as reinforcements for the new Spearmen now had nothing to do. I decided to have them heal along with those Spearmen in preparation for any upcoming battles.

Turn 110 - 1250 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have finished up the Trapping project! The improvements and buildings we can add to France should make our citizens happier than ever before! For France's next project, I decided to have our scientists research Masonry, as it took little time to finish and was suggested by both my economic and foreign advisers.

Now that our Workers in Versailles were finished with their latest farm, I sent them up a hill, where our Gold mine would be built. After they arrived at the site of the mine, they rested and made preparations to get started on building it.

Our Caravan, normally stationed in Paris, was sent over to Versailles by yours truly. I wanted to see how Versailles' routes differed from that of Paris, and I should find out quite soon. I know that we now have the option to send the Caravan to Colombo, which could be more beneficial than our previous trade route to Mecca. If anything, at least it will be less work for our camels, as Colombo is much closer to Versailles than Mecca is to Paris.

Turn 111 - 1225 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Workers officially started construction on Versailles' Gold mine.

Our Archers, meanwhile, found another Barbarian camp. I have not used them to fight in a while, so I decided I will have them get back into battle.

News across the world is that a Civilization, one France has yet to encounter, has built Stonehenge, which means the first non-natural World Wonder has officially been built. With our Great Library nearing completion, here is hoping the second will be located right here in Paris.

Montezuma has officially paid off all the money he has owed us from an earlier deal, which involved an Aztec embassy being placed in Paris.

Turn 112 - 1200 B.C. (Classical Era)

Now that our Parisian Workers have finished repairing the mine and farm that had been previously destroyed by Barbarians, it was time to make use of our newfound Trapping abilities. I sent them over to our Ivory-rich part of land, where they would set up our first camp.

Our Archers got into perfect attack position, then struck the Barbarian camp. As expected, they looked a little bit rusty, but I feel they still did quite fine. Hopefully they will do better with each attack.

(Barbarian Brute took 28 damage)

Turn 113 - 1175 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our camp is now being built. I am interested to see what it will look like upon completion.

Our Archers attacked again, and much to my delight, they did a lot better! At this rate, they just might be able to take out the Barbarians with their next attack.

(Barbarian Brute took 33 damage)

Turn 114 - 1150 B.C. (Classical Era)

Colombo has just gifted us some much-needed Horses! Soon, after we clear out a Barbarian camp or two, France will be able to purchase the Chariot Archer I have always wanted. We can, of course, also produce it, which I may or may not have Paris do once the Great Library is completed.

Our Spearmen that were stationed in the Parisian Capitol building have finished healing up, so I sent them northeast, where a Barbarian camp had been stationed in between Paris and the Arabian city of Medina.

It will unfortunately take one more attack for our Archers to defeat the Barbarians, as the tribe showed some resilience against our troops. Do they have any idea how futile their efforts are? Do they not see all of their other imbecilic friends dying around them? If they don't, they'll certainly find out soon.

(Barbarian Brute took 28 damage)

Turn 115 - 1125 B.C. (Classical Era)

Versailles has now grown to a population of 90,000, making France the most populated Civilization once again! I wondered why Versailles was growing so quickly compared to Paris, before coming to the conclusion that Versailles has managed to produce more food than Paris throughout its history, likely due to the fact that most of Versailles is located in grassland while most of Paris is located in the tundra. I had come up with a solution to help Paris' food production grow, but it does interfere with what I originally planned for our capital city. I could not make a decision on this issue, so I decided that the Parisians themselves would be the best judges for this situation. I will bring up the issue to them once our Great Library is finished, which should be any time now.

In the meantime, our second group of Spearmen had finished healing. I sent them north to meet up with our other Spearman unit and our Scout, where they would gang up on the Barbarian camp in the area.

Our Archers officially destroyed the Barbarians they had been battling. Hopefully we can clear the camp before another unit pops up there.

Turn 116 - 1100 B.C. (Classical Era)

At long last, our Great Library has been completed! The completion of this library has instantly brought amazing effects to the people of Paris, most notably the discovery of Iron Working, a technology that should give our military immense power.

Speaking of our military, our Archers cleared up the Barbarian camp, taking 37 Gold in the process. Our first Spearmen attacked the Barbarians in the area. It was a close battle, but we appeared to come out on top for the time being. Once we can get both Spearmen to attack at the same time, we should be golden.

As previously mentioned, now that our Great Library was finished, it was time for me to go bring forth our newest issue to the people of Paris...


Here is that issue.

I would like to produce a Chariot Archer unit for Paris, but at the same time, I also want Paris's population to grow a lot faster. In this game, the main way to do that is by increasing the production of food. In order to help out with that, I would need to build a Granary building.

Basically, what it boils down to is this: should I bolster the French military by producing a Chariot Archer, or provide more food to Paris by producing a Granary? The Chariot Archer would take 9 turns to produce and the Granary would take 10.

To choose, click HERE~!


If my explanations sound confusing, I apologize in advance. If there's any more info you need to know before making your decision, please ask me either in this thread or in either chat.

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 117 - 1075 B.C. (Classical Era)

The Granary is now being built in Paris. Hopefully that and a couple more farms will help cause a rise in food (and subsequently population) growth.

We have also finished the research of Masonry! This discovery allows us to construct Walls in our cities, improving our defense against any potential attackers. Our next project would be the Calendar, as it reportedly takes little time to complete and would provide new improvements to our agricultural system.

With both of our Spearmen units now in position to attack the Barbarians, we were able to kill them quite easily. We took the 37 Gold and cleared the camp, celebrating our victory in the process. Our Scouts, who were also in position but ultimately did not end up participating in the fracas, headed north, where I had planned to avenge the death of an Archer unit we previously had.

While that was going on, our Archers had begun a battle with a Barbarian ship. The Archers hit the ship very hard, which leads me to believe that the ship could end up fleeing the battle before they get destroyed. Hopefully that isn't the case.

Now that we had a nice bit of Gold saved up, I decided to buy a patch of land for Paris with it. This patch was particularly special, as it contained a source of Deer. The land cost us 95 Gold in total, which I considered to be a wise investment.

(Barbarian Galley took 48 damage)

Turn 118 - 1050 B.C. (Classical Era)

I decided to have our Spearmen units nursed back to full health, as the plans I have for them require them to be in their best condition.

Luckily for us, the Barbarian ship has yet to flee from our Archers. With this opportunity, our Archers attacked again, and nearly destroyed the ship. If they don't run away now, it would be certain death.

(Barbarian Galley took 47 damage)

Turn 119 - 1025 B.C. (Classical Era)

Sadly, the Barbarian ship has fled from us. There wasn't much left now for my Archers to do besides explore, which we did, heading further south down the eastern coast of our continent.

Turn 120 - 1000 B.C. (Classical Era)

A Barbarian camp has been spotted just north of Versailles, so it appears we will now have to deal with them. Our Spearmen weren't completely healed, but they were healthy enough to fight, and I needed them urgently. I still had my Scout continue north, as I felt they wouldn't contribute to the fight, and I would much rather have them continue exploring in search of the remaining two Civilizations.

Turn 121 - 975 B.C. (Classical Era)

With Versailles' Gold Mine now completed, they headed west to start construction on a Camp in an area populated with Bison.

Not much else occurred, though our Scouts did encounter some Arabian Warriors during their travels. I wanted to believe they would help guard our Scouts, as they seemed to be traveling in the same direction, and there are reports of Barbarians in this area. We shall have to see where this goes as our Scout travels.

Turn 122 - 950 B.C. (Classical Era)

The Calendar has officially been completed! I decided to have our scientists research Currency next, as it helps us maximize our use of our Silver and Gold mines, and I wanted to reward my citizens a bit by picking one of the technologies that their previous choice of Mathematics had allowed us to research. Currency was also recommended by my foreign adviser, an added bonus.

Turn 123 - 925 B.C. (Classical Era)

With our Camp in Paris complete, our Parisian Worker headed just a bit further south to the place where they would build a Farm. Once they reached that spot, they quickly got to work.

I decided to make a trade with Harun, similar to the one we made last time where I received 315 Gold from him in exchange for some surplus silver. In this deal, we made out even better, getting 342 Gold and giving up the exact same amount of Silver. Around half of the Gold was given to us immediately, and Harun said the rest will be paid periodically over the next few years.

After the deal, we now have 505 Gold in our Treasury. After we came to the consensus to spend some of it, I decided to purchase that Chariot Archer I've been wanting for a while. Considering the Granary costs quite a bit more, I'm glad the citizens decided to produce that over the Chariot Archer. After our purchase, we were left with 155 Gold, which is not a bad total at all. I also decided to spend 45 Gold for an embassy in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

Our Archers found a Barbarian camp that appears to have already been attacked, which is strange, considering we did not see any other military units in the area.

Turn 124 - 900 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our new Chariot Archer got into position and immediately attacked the Barbarian camp. I can already see how superior these guys are to our regular Archers (not that they are any slouch).

Speaking of our Archers, they shot down and destroyed a Barbarian ship in the area, the same one they had been fighting a while back.

With Versailles' Shrine finished, I instructed them to produce a new Settler. It was time for our third city to be built.

Turn 125 - 875 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Chariot Archers and Spearmen successfully killed the Barbarians outside Versailles and cleared their camp.

My military adviser has been floating around the idea of going to war with Arabia, noting that their military is almost nonexistent and that any conflicts with them would be "laughably one-sided." It's an... interesting idea, something I'm mulling over for now. On one hand, they have done nothing but help us and they are quite friendly as well. They don't really have any resources we particularly need at the moment as well. On the other, should I go through with it and win the war, I would essentially be able to control nearly half the entire continent, with no other Civilization being anywhere near us two. I would love to be the sole owner of such a large part of land.

It's definitely something to think about. Maybe I'll even ask my citizens about it in the future.

For now, my main focus was on our Archers and their battle with the Barbarians. I couldn't help but notice there was a group of civilians among them, no doubt kidnapped. If I had to guess, I'd say they were Siamese, considering that they are the closest Civilization to this camp. Our Archers struck the Barbarian tribe, doing a surprisingly large amount of damage.

(Barbarian Brute took 36 damage)

Turn 126 - 850 B.C. (Classical Era)

This is a glorious period in French history, as we have entered our first Golden Age! Let's enjoy it while it lasts!

The good news keeps rolling in, as Paris has finished production of their Granary! With their next project, I had them produce a Water Mill, which would help increase food production even more by utilizing the river running through Paris.

For the hell of it, I sent my Chariot Archer and one of my Spearmen to the border of Mecca, just in case war were declared.

Our Archers almost killed the Barbarians, but they managed to hold out for another day.

(Barbarian Brute took 27 damage)

Turn 127 - 825 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Archers killed the Barbarian Brutes, now all that is left is to clear the camp and decide what to do with the kidnapped civilians.

Turn 128 - 800 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Archers cleared the camp, recovered some Gold, and ultimately convinced the Siamese Workers to become part of France, because if you let your own, hardworking citizens get kidnapped, and make no effort to bring them back, then in my opinion, you never deserved those people to begin with. We will treat them better than Siam ever could.

France has also struck a deal with Persia, where we will be sending them some more of our surplus Silver in exchange for Pearls, a resource we have yet to encounter. It seemed like a fair deal for both parties, and our citizens seem much happier with the introduction of the new resource.

Turn 129 - 775 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Archers have officially hit the southeast corner of our continent. Other than that, nothing very noteworthy happened recently.

I am thinking of going to our citizens for a very important vote soon, but I would like one more military unit before doing so. I would prefer that unit to be one of the more high-tech ones we can produce, mainly a Catapult.

Turn 130 - 750 B.C. (Classical Era)

We now have the ability to write up another Social Policy! I stayed on our honor path by choosing to write the Military Caste policy. It appears we have nearly completed writing all of the policies related to Honor.

Our Scouts have run into a bit of an issue, as in order for them to keep exploring north of France, they would have to pass through Aztec land. However, Montezuma, like all other leaders at the moment (yes, including yours truly) have a strict closed borders policy. To enter another Civilization's borders would mean you were declaring war with them, something I don't want to do with my Scouts. It appears that in order to explore the area further, we will have to research Optics so that our Scouts can travel by sea.

Our Parisian Workers have started on constructing a new camp, in an area in northeast Paris where there are lots of Deer.

Turn 131 - 725 B.C. (Classical Era)

One of our Spearmen units has come back to Versailles, receiving a hero's welcome. Our Worker over there has completed their first camp, so they headed east to construct a new one in an area with an abundance of Deer.

Turn 132 - 700 B.C. (Classical Era)

A new Barbarian camp was spotted outside Mecca, but other than that, nothing noteworthy occurred.

Turn 133 - 675 B.C. (Classical Era)

Good news: Paris has finished the production of their Water Mill. I decided to have them produce a Catapult afterwards. Bad news: Another new Barbarian camp has formed to the east of our capital, so I sent my Chariot Archer and one of my Spearmen out to destroy it.

Our Worker officially started setting up their Camp in southeast Versailles.

Turn 134 - 675 B.C. (Classical Era)

Paris has now grown to a population of 150,000 people! I knew the increase in food production would help out!

Our Chariot Archer and Spearman units inch closer and closer to the Barbarian camp I instructed them to destroy. We should be able to attack them at any moment.

Turn 135 - 650 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Chariot Archers officially launched the first shots on the Barbarian camp, surprising them quite a bit. Once our Spearmen get in position to attack, this battle should be a quick and easy victory for France.

(Barbarian Spearman took 29 damage)

Turn 136 - 625 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Chariot Archers' second attack was much more effective than their original, knocking down the Barbarian troops to around 35 percent of their original size. With our Spearmen now having moved into position, we can safely say the camp will be cleared following our next wave of attacks.

Turn 137 - 600 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have finished our research of Currency! I am excited at the possibilities for new money-related buildings that we can construct due to the completion of this project. As I promised to myself, I had our scientists research Optics for our next tech project.

Our Chariot Archers officially killed the Barbarians, and our Spearmen came in and cleared the camp, marking yet another battle won by the French military. We seem to be getting pretty good at this whole fighting business; maybe we need to start trying against some bigger targets...


It's a 20-turn special, one that probably won't ever happen again.

There will also definitely be a poll next update. You should be able to guess what it might be if you read through this update and pick up on some hints I dropped.

Author:  Kungfupandacam [ Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Is this over hope not.

Author:  LetsGoMets77 [ Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Kungfupandacam wrote:
Is this over hope not.
He hasn't updated it in over a month...

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 138 - 550 B.C. (Classical Era)

France's first Golden Age has seemed to officially come to an end. It'll take a bit longer now to get things done in France. Hopefully we can enter another Golden Age quite soon, which should happen as long as our citizens can stay happy.

In world news, Montezuma and the Aztecs have captured the capital city of a Civilization we have yet to meet. This means they are likely to claim victory of the first war between two Civilizations in the history of the world, if they haven't done so already.

With no enemies around and no uncharted land near, our troops had nothing left but to wander around the land.

Turn 139 - 525 B.C. (Classical Era)

The world's first organized religion, known as Islam, has been established in the Arabian city of Mecca. The establishment of Islam could be an interesting development as we have some ...plans... in the future regarding Arabia.

Once again, there was not much our troops could do. However, I did get some encouraging news from Paris that our Catapult unit is almost close to being finished.

Turn 140 - 500 B.C. (Classical Era)

With our Catapult complete, I decided to have Paris start construction on a Shrine, as it took very little time to produce and it would help us form an organized religion of our own more quickly.

Our military now looks quite strong compared to some other Civilizations, most notably Arabia. Our neighbors are said to have the weakest military of any Civilization we have encountered. This means that we could conceivably conquer them quite easily.

However, they have been nothing but friendly to us. The attack, should we go through with it, would be completely unwarranted, and would catch them off guard quite a bit.

I decided to make a pros and cons list of declaring war on Arabia, which I showed to our citizens. I would leave it up to them whether we should go through with it or not.


It's been a while, but this has made a comeback. While this update may not have a lot of turns, it does come with the most important poll to date. Should France enter its first war with our neighbors to the north? It's up to you guys.

HERE is the Pros/Cons list of attacking Arabia.
HERE is the poll itself.

Choose wisely!

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 140 - 500 B.C. (Classical Era) (cont.)

War is on the minds of the French citizens, as over 170,000 people voted to attack Arabia, compared to only 70,000 who voted to remain at peace.

With that in mind, I planned to get as many of our troops as possible in position to attack Mecca, the Arabian capital city. It would take a little while, but being able to launch multiple attacks at once should help us achieve victory a lot quicker.

I also dipped into our Gold fund and purchased a second Chariot Archer unit, giving us another long-range attack option. After the purchase, we are left with 89 Gold.

Turn 141 - 485 B.C. (Classical Era)

I had most of our military forces move closer to Arabia. Our older Chariot Archer unit had reached an area perfect for launching an attack, so we were basically just waiting on the rest of the units to catch up.

Turn 142 - 470 B.C. (Classical Era)

A new Barbarian camp had formed in the area between Paris, Versailles, and Mecca. Luckily, a group of Spearmen we had stationed in Versailles was heading in that direction anyways, so they should be able to take care of the Barbarians while the rest of our military in the area continues onward to Mecca.

Another one of our Spearman units and our second Chariot Archer unit had arrived at perfect attacking positions. All we were waiting on now was our Catapult to get into position. Once that is done, we will be ready to initiate the very first war in our Civilization's history.

It is absolutely imperative that we win this war, most importantly for the precedence it will set. We can't let France have a reputation for being bad at war, now can we?

Turn 143 - 455 B.C. (Classical Era)

Versailles has finished production on a Settler unit! I decided to send them north to an area of land bordering the ocean, as rumor has it there are some valuable resources located both on land and sea in that area. For Versailles' next project, I had them start work on a Mint building, which would help us raise some Gold for the upcoming war.

We now had 4 military units surrounding Mecca: two Chariot Archers, one Catapult, and one Spearmen, each ready to attack upon my instruction. However, while the odds were in our favor if we attacked right now, I couldn't help but feel we needed one more military unit there. We do have another Spearman unit on their way, but they're busy with Barbarians, and we also have a Scout heading over as well, but I felt they wouldn't be strong enough to survive long in a battle with an entire city.

As a result, I made a note to have Paris produce a new Swordsman unit once their current Shrine project is finished, which should be quite soon. The Swordsman should be a lot more powerful than our Spearmen are, plus it helps us utilize our Iron Working skills we learned a while back.

Turn 144 - 440 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have finished researching Optics! Now any of our military units can sail the seas, provided they spend some time in French territory first. We can also build a Lighthouse in any current and future city as long as it borders the coast. I had our scientists begin researching Horseback Riding, simply because it took the least time to finish according to our projections.

I had our Catapult set up for an attack. Everything for our current military units appeared to be in place now. I still decided to wait before attacking, as I wanted for Paris to finish producing the Swordsman, our Caravan to leave the area, and our other Spearmen to finish killing the Barbarian camp before officially declaring war.

Speaking of our Spearmen, they launched their first attack on the Barbarian camp, barely suffering a dent in comparison to our Barbarian foes.

(French Spearmen took 14 damage, Barbarian Horseman took 54 damage)

Turn 145 - 425 B.C. (Classical Era)

While heading down to Mecca, our Scouts stumbled upon a Barbarian camp. Judging by their somewhat primitive weapons, they had been in that spot for quite some time. Our Scouts surprisingly seemed to have the upper hand as a result. With that in mind, I decided to have the Scouts attack the Barbarian camp, and, lo and behold, it worked out quite nicely for us.

Our Spearmen completed the destruction of the Barbarian camp they had been fighting. I had expected the battle to be somewhat longer, but I am certainly not complaining. After they cleared the camp, I let them have their rest, but instructed them to head to Arabia as soon as possible.

(French Scouts took 22 damage, Barbarian Archers took 37 damage)

Turn 146 - 410 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our Caravan has just started to leave Arabia. If I had declared war with them while the Caravan was still on its mission, I would have lost it for good, which would not have been ideal.

The Settlers have reached the area where our third city will be founded. All they have to do is set everything up now, which inexplicably takes far less time. Don't ask me how that works!

Our Scouts attacked the Barbarian camp again, and based off my observations on the battlefield, it appears our guys will win the battle with our next attack.

(French Scouts took 20 damage, Barbarian Archers took 34 damage)

Turn 147 - 395 B.C. (Classical Era)

The third French city has officially been founded! After the close call we had last time, I chose to name the city myself, giving it the name Marseille. The most interesting part about Marseille is the fact that it contains many different types of terrain in such a small area. The city center is also situated on a hill overlooking the ocean, making for a truly remarkable view. My goal for Marseille is to make it the center of France's fishing and cargo industry. To kickstart this mission, I had Marseille start production on a Work Boat.

Our Scout successfully defeated the Barbarians, clearing the camp and taking some Gold while doing so. With no more Barbarians currently in the area, we can once again focus all of our attention on our upcoming war with Arabia.

Turn 148 - 380 B.C. (Classical Era)

A couple of notable things happened across the world today, one of them involving France. The first bit of news is that Persia has officially completed the production of the Hanging Gardens project. The second thing is that a list has come out ranking each Civilization by the amount of Gold in their respective treasuries. The top spot went to none other than France! We currently have 183 Gold with us, 53 higher than the next-highest Civilization. In last place was Mongolia, who did not have any gold in their treasury whatsoever. Pretty pathetic, to say the least!

There wasn't much left to do except watch our upcoming Swordsman unit be trained.

Turn 149 - 365 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have met another Civilization! He introduced himself as Gandhi the Pious, ruler of the Indian Civilization. Soon after we met, we already agreed to accept embassies in each others' capitals.

We have also discovered another Natural Wonder! Mt. Kilimanjaro is the name of it, and it is currently located just north of Mumbai, the capital of India. The discovery has also impressed the city-state of Jerusalem, who has now considered us as friends of their people. This means we can move freely through their territory without causing any issues, and they have also shared their knowledge of religious rituals with us, increasing our Faith.

I noticed my citizens have gone quite tired of waiting for the war to start. I assured them it would be quite soon...


or will it

Author:  Kungfupandacam [ Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

I voted many times to get war and regret it.

Author:  Kungfupandacam [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Emperor Napoleon, we as loyal subjects need an update. If not we will no longer call you "The Little Corporal" we will call you "Hiatus"
EDIT: Post six-hundred sixty-six-speak of the devil.

Author:  Tdud123 [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Kungfupandacam wrote:
Emperor Napoleon, we as loyal subjects need an update. If not we will no longer call you "The Little Corporal" we will call you "Hiatus"
EDIT: Post six-hundred sixty-six-speak of the devil.

He'll get to it when he gets to it. No need to rush him. If he wants to update it then he will.

Author:  PowerPro Jr [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Turn 149 - 365 B.C. (Classical Era) (cont.)

The polls have dictated that we will indeed go to war. However, allegations of voter fraud quickly spread throughout the civilization. After taking a very, very lengthy sabbatical, I came up with a new foolproof voting system. In the meantime, the results of the prior vote will still be in effect, and I have already begun preparations for our civilization's first war, with our troops now completely surrounding the Arabian capital of Mecca. As soon as our Swordsmen unit is finished and completes the journey, we will go ahead and launch our first attack.

Speaking of Arabia, they recently completed the World Wonder, Petra. They might come to regret not spending that production time improving their defense...

In the meantime, one of our Archer units stumbled across a group of Barbarians on horseback while traveling. The encounter happened just outside the Siamese city of Si Satchanalai.

(French Archers took 26 damage, Barbarian Horsemen took 19 damage)

Turn 150 - 350 B.C. (Classical Era)

Our newly produced Swordsmen started their trip to Mecca. I heard they call it a Hajj over there. Since I anticipate trade between our two civilizations will end as a result of the upcoming war, I decided to take up my economic adviser's suggestion and have Paris produce a Mint building of its own (One is already being built in Versailles). Mint buildings will help produce money for France by making use of our sources of Gold and Silver, which we have plenty of.

In the meantime, with most of our soldiers still waiting for the order to invade (I have admittedly been dragging this out because I want to absolutely ensure our victory), not much else was going on. Our Archer unit that had run into a group of Barbarians managed to kill them off, with the help of Si Satchanalai, who had also been attacking them.

Turn 151 - 335 B.C. (Classical Era)

We have completed our research of Horseback Riding. The main benefits we get from this are that we can now produce horse-mounted units, as well as produce Caravansaries, which allow for expanded trade routes and extra gold from trade with other Civilizations. Afterwards, I requested to look into researching Drama and Poetry, a tech that would help develop our civilization's culture. The fact that it was suggested by both my economic and foreign advisers also helped sway my decision.

While camped outside the borders of Mecca, I noticed a Barbarian ship stationed within striking distance. I decided to have my Chariot Archer unit launch an attack on the ship, which nearly sunk it entirely. Hopefully that ship doesn't flee before we are able to sink it once and for all, but I highly doubt they will remain within striking distance.

(Barbarian Galley took 55 damage)

Turn 152 - 320 B.C. (Classical Era)

As expected, the Barbarian ship fled. Oh, well.

Speaking of Barbarians, our Archer unit in the East discovered one of their encampments. Luckily, this group seems very weak, and their technology is primitive even for Barbarians. Looks like some easy gold for us!

Not much else happened, the only other somewhat notable occurrence was the completion of a farm in southern Paris.

Turn 153 - 305 B.C. (Classical Era)

With our Swordsmen finally reaching the outskirts of Mecca, I determined that it was finally time to declare war. However, I wanted to make sure this war is precisely what my citizens wanted, and also get a chance to test out this new polling system I created.

Alright, so here is the poll:

It's been a while. You've had a ton of time to think about this. (I'm sure this decision and this log in general has been on the forefront of your mind 24/7 since last November)
Do you still think we should go to war with Arabia?

1. Yea
2. Nay

(Please read the update prior to this one before making a decision, if you can)


Here's that new foolproof voting system: I give you the options, and you post which option you want in this thread, and I'll count up the total myself. It's like how the forum RPGs have typically operated. No external links, no multiple voting, you have a chance to explain your vote, and I get the validation of the thread's reply count shooting up. As far as I'm concerned, it's a win-win situation.

I don't know if I will update consistently (I never have, tbh), especially with Civ VI coming out in just over a month, but considering I will be getting into one of the more interesting parts of the game, I will try as much as I can to do so.

Author:  Kungfupandacam [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

1. Yes, because you haven't met many civs and I am guessing other civs don't know about Arabia. Nobody will know and it doesn't make you not able to become some warmonger who's going to kill everybody. However if you have I wouldn't if you are going for a Science or some Culture, diplomatic. I hope you don't have time victory.

Author:  detroittigers15 [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Reign of Napoleon - A Civ 5 Interactive Journey

Blood alone moves the wheels of history.


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