This is like Jag's guide. I put the timeline down for ya to know what to do. NO COACH POINTS NEEDED OR NEEDED. NEVER DO THIS. Most abilities-Hitting/Pitching varied NOTE: IF YOU DID NOT GET THE RECOVERY NECKLACE EAT AT DUCK'S Year 1 Feb Week 1-4: Work/Go to/at Ducks. For patty work. Third decision say work. Fourth work Mar Week 1: .R .K Meet Sittch-S/L for Steakhouse Mar Week 2: .K Meet Bison-Bison-NO-Discount-S/L Jaw-work at Duck's Mar Week 3: .R-Meet Jaw-S/L for Suprise Bag Mar Week 4: .K Sit the bench-Work-Steakhouse(If not work Duck's) Apr Week 1: .K WildJokers game, meet Jonathan and Lucy-Siitch-Hot Hittter/B2B if needed Apr Week 2: .R-Siitch-Gd Sense Apr Week 3: .R-Practice-BRK(If not Bison which is week 4)-Get one or two pitches, Hitter-Batting-TRJ, Contact, then Power. Note:If lose GR S/L for not breaking it Apr Week 4: .R-Bison-Pitcher(Physic Googles, Prince Necklace, and 5 Shiny Fragrences(Could get Recovery Necklace if it can), Hitter-(Recovery Necklace, Prince Necklace, and 5 Shiny Fragrences(Could get Physic Googles if can). Note: Use shiny fragrence every week 4 until August. Wait for September week 1. May Week 1: .K One of the three teams (Aegis, Machsocks, Burgers), first playable game Note: Get 10 scout pts. minimum and upgrade fielding, ERES, arm, and 2nd Position, and SPD.(Put in order of what to get first except 2nd POsition is best Pitchers-Control(Could be top speed if lo control) and Breaking Balls May Week 2: ((Randevnt)) Siitch glove May Week 3: .R .K See Lucy again-BRK-Get a breaking ball, Bat control-Contact Low contact may affect this. Upgrade Power. Bad Breaking Balls, Acurracy until run out of mentality points. then start stamina May Week 4: .R-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Jun Week 1: .K WildJokers game Jun Week 2: .R-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact By now, your power and contact may be looking good.(If you have a high power, steakhouse is needed). So, now start focusing on RUN SPD. Run at park, hike in mountains. Jun Week 3: .RR-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Jun Week 4: .R R-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Jul Week 1: One of the three teams (Aegis, Machsocks, Burgers) game Jul Week 2: R-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Jul Week 3: Offer from AAA-R-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Insomia is bad. S/R to not get it. I is too tired to write much Jul Week 4: .RR-BRK-Get a Breaking Ball, Bat Control COntact Aug Week 1: One of the three teams (Aegis, Machsocks, Burgers) game Aug Week 2: .R I'm going to make a guess by now you're good so I'll give you fielding privelages. Pitchers-Top Speed, Control. Hitters-Fielding, SPD, ERES Aug Week 3: .R Pitchers-Top Speed, Control. Hitters-Fielding, SPD, ERES Aug Week 4: .R Offer from AAA withdrawn-Pitchers-Top Speed, Control. Hitters-Fielding, SPD, ERES NOTE: Use Fragrance on Sept. Week 1. Sep Week 1: .R-Pitchers-Top Speed, Control. Hitters-Fielding, SPD, ERES Sep Week 2: .K Championship game with WildJokers Sep Week 3: .R By now, you should have things most efficient. Put a little more power on your hitter. Oitcher put a little Stamina NOTE: Not exceeding Sep Week 4: .R Start on your abilities Oct Week 1: .R .K Find out about Gil "" Nov Week 1: .K Scout visits "" Nov Week 2: .R "" Nov Week 3: Scouting test S/L for high scout eval Nov Week 4: .K Deadline for scouting, if you are over the line you go to AAA, if not game over-"" Dec Week 1: .K Meet the Boss of the Golden Apples-Let's go to the Steakhouse(Steakhouse events start for pitchers)(Hitters NO to start event) overall Dec Week 2: Gil comes to meet you-"" Year 2 Jan Week 1: Find out the GM of the Galaxy Sharks is your long lost dad-"" Jan Week 2: Catch up with Jonathan-"" Jan Week 3:"" Jan Week 4: "" Feb Week 1: Meet Joey and Terry from the Golden Apples-"" Feb Week 2: "" NOW I expect you are done. If not continue on fielding and run speed and control. Top Speed should be high if not use these weeks. Feb Week 3: Turn down offer from Galaxy Sharks-DO WHAT I SAY AND FOLLOW ME YOU SLAVES Mar Week 2: .K Put on bench Mar Week 4: Guava Strawberries 2008 game May Week 1: Galaxy Sharks game Jun Week 1: Gigantes 2008 game Jul Week 1: MonMonMonkeys 2008 game Aug Week 1: Galaxy Sharks game (Game ends here if you lose) Aug Week 3: You find out Gil is your older brother and to win for him Aug Week 4: .K Sittch quits the team Sep Week 1: Random Meet Good Job Sep Week 2: Final game with Galaxy Sharks
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