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 Post subject: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:03 pm 
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I'm pretty new to the forums, so I want to know how leveling up works.

What doesn't kill you...usually succeeds at a second attempt -Mr. Krabs
The Cubs suck because they just want to tick people off-kjthegreat2001
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 Post subject: Re: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:10 pm 
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Well, before everyone else answers, let me say this: it means absolutely nothing in the long run.

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"Find a way to be alone in a baseball stadium at sunrise, when the only sound you hear are about nine birds that got lost, and found themselves in a stadium, and they’re chirping across the grandstand trying to figure out where the *(censored)* they ended up." -Dan Besbris

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 Post subject: Re: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:11 pm 
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By posting alot, basically.

It doesn't really mean anything anyway.

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 Post subject: Re: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:38 pm 
AAA Starter
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Do you have to do something special?

What doesn't kill you...usually succeeds at a second attempt -Mr. Krabs
The Cubs suck because they just want to tick people off-kjthegreat2001
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 Post subject: Re: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:39 pm 
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philliesfan134 wrote:
By posting alot, basically.

It doesn't really mean anything anyway.

They already answered your question!

PowerPro Jr wrote:
Zumikaku wrote:
...and a bag of Skittles having a conversation.
Are you saying it's wrong to talk to a bag of Skittles? Because if so, I'm going to need to rethink a lot of things. :P
BrewersFuzz wrote:
Powerprosfan31 wrote:
What do twelve year olds do with girlfriends?
Give them ringpops and let them cut up to their spot in line during lunch.
Dishnetkid is a heretic who must be burned

 Post subject: Re: How can you level up in this forum?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:44 pm 
AAA Starter
AAA Starter
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Console '08: Wii and PS2
Favorite Japanese title: Don't Own
Oh, right.

What doesn't kill you...usually succeeds at a second attempt -Mr. Krabs
The Cubs suck because they just want to tick people off-kjthegreat2001
Visit my MLB Life Log: Life of a Legend

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