User talk:RyRy5

From MLB Power Pros Wiki

Revision as of 02:33, 2 March 2008 by Maxdsterling (Talk | contribs)
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Hi, this is my talk page. You may ask me questions about MLB Power Pros and/or tell me a comment about something like about an article I created. Also, please try to answer a question I add and I can answer yours. Type question and/or comment under the heading, Questions and Comments.


Questions and Comments


This would seem unnecessary. You can monitor all of you contributions, new pages/edits via the my contributions link in the top corner, and it would reduce your need to constantly update your pages to keep them in sync, and will give users/admins quick access to the corresponding history and difference pages if they are needed. Welcome to the wiki and happy editing! --MaxDSterling 21:35, 26 February 2008 (CST)

Thanks, I'm having fun here in this wiki.


How do you make your character in Success Mode learn the Original or ORIG pitch. Alvin can throw one and name one. His is called the Mirage KN and if he moves to the Champion Rings, its called S Shaker.--RyRy5 20:14, 25 February 2008 (CST)

I think you'll find it much easier to get answers to your questions if you put them on the forum. People browse it more than the wiki, and people will never see your comments unless they click on your profile. The only reason I happened to stumble on it is because I was looking at the recent changes log. In the case of your question, you're in luck because its already been answered on the forum! Just click on the Success Mode strategies link and find the thread about getting your dad to train you. --Mrsims31 17:12, 27 February 2008 (CST)

Actually, I just found out how you get the custom pitch by just expiramenting. I found out that You must continue dads' events until your scout talks to my dad about showing me the real dad. Thanks anyway.--RyRy5 20:06, 27 February 2008 (CST)

Unnecessary Edits

Please check the wiki for pages similar to pages you wish to create. We already have a Help Page and a Help Desk for wiki-related questions. We don't need redundant pages creating confusion. I enjoy your enthusiasm, please refrain from making changes to the base content of the wiki without first discussing it on the discussion forum. If you continue, you will be banned from further editing. --MaxDSterling 20:11, 1 March 2008 (CST)

We have noticed you are not a registered member of the discussion forum. I am placing your wiki account on a temporary ban until you do so and request wiki access in the proper channels. --MaxDSterling 20:33, 1 March 2008 (CST)

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