Dream Draft Strategies

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Ever want to do a dream draft? Do you need a little help that'll give you a foot above the rest and let you make an All-Star Team? Then this guide for Dream Draft MLB Power Pros 08 should help you. The original thread of which this is based on is here[1]
For those who don't know, the dream draft is like the player-draft for new players each year. But in the Dream Draft, every player in the game is thrown in, and when you pick them, they have to sign with you. The draft itself consist of all 30 teams picking 1 player each round until the player decides to quit the dream-draft or the 33 rounds are done. Your team picks first and then it's random teams from then on.

  • This is what is most likely to happen, but there is a good chance that things may be different in the actual draft. If things are that different, you might just want to exit and draft again.


Each line consists of players you can usually find in this round.

  • Round 1: Alex Rodriguez
  • Round 2: Hanley Ramirez, Jorge Posada, David Ortiz, Lance Berkman
  • Round 3: Felix Hernandez, B.J. Upton, Kosuke Fukudome, Justin Morneau, Jonathan Papelbon, Roy Halladay
  • Round 4: B.J. Upton, Kosuke Fukudome, Matt Cain, Robinson Cano, Roy Oswalt
  • Round 5: Matt Cain, Tim Lincecum, Roy Oswalt
  • Round 6: Tim Lincecum
  • Round 7: Prince Fielder, Ryan Howard, Fausto Carmona, Dan Uggla, Brian McCann, Ryan Braun
  • Round 8: ---
  • Round 9: Hunter Pence, James Loney
  • Round 10: Hunter Pence, Anibal Sanchez

After the 10th Round, things get a bit sketchy. One draft, a player will go 12th, for example, and the next draft, he'll go 19th.

Rounds 10-15: Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain, Joel Zumaya, Justin Verlander, Fernando Cabrera, Kevin Hart

Rounds 15-20: Evan Longoria, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Ervin Santana

(To be completed)

Strategies (Feel free to edit this if you have any ideas)

My typical strategy is to get a well-rounded fielder (like CF Ichiro Suzuki or an edited Josh Hamilton) with my first round pick, though if you must draft a pitcher in the first round make it either an edited Cliff Lee or Carlos Zambrano, as they will always go in the first round. When looking at fielders, the two main things I look for are Contact and Run Speed. I always make sure that my leadoff hitter has at least a 9 (D+) in contact and a 12 (B) in run speed. I also try to have at least one guy on the team with A power. I try to have my 5-man rotation by rounds 10-12, and I try to get young guns to fill out the bottom of my 6 man rotation (i.e. Yovani Gallardo, Nick Blackburn, etc). I usually wait before picking a closer until the much later rounds and instead pick a good reliever to fill that spot, though J.J. Putz can be found for tremendous value if you wait long enough. The very last picks I make are for getting versatile backups who can play multiple positions as added insurance in case of an injury (An example is that in my franchise, Ryan Theriot is in very bad condition, so Kevin Kouzmanoff is filling in. Matt Kemp is the backup in the outfield) --stevenjackson39

You don't necessarily have to have stud pitchers, I usually go for batters first. I got 8 respectable pitchers in RD 10~20 --Chief

ALWAYS register created players AFTER the draft. Otherwise you'll lose them during the draft. - Longball -In response to that, also make sure that you register them IMMEDIATELY after the dream draft, not after the incredibly long opening cutscene. Otherwise you could and probably will be costing yourself thousands of points. --Stevenjackson39

I always try to figure out my rotation in the first 5 rounds of my draft, but the downside is you have to get non-respectable catchers with low arm strength. Also, to find the BEST players, use the Search option. ~-~dishnetkid

Make sure to get three catchers, as they are an invaluable part of your team, and get injured a ton when running into walls. Draft one with some pop in his bat in round 1-3, and two with respectable fielding and stellar arm strength in rounds 10-11. - Redsfan

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