2023 eBaseball Tips

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Hitting Guide (Video)


Base Running

Speed up

If you tap alternating L and R while running bases, you will increase all baserunners speed. Your player's arrow on the mini field map will flash.



  • Square plus the d-pad button for which base you want to advance to
  • X plus the base you want to retreat to
  • Triangle advances all runners
  • Circle retreats all runners


  • Y plus the base you want to advance to
  • B plus the base you want to retreat to
    • Example: Y + Up will send the runner from 1st Base to 2nd Base. B + Left will retreat the runner from Home to 3rd base
  • X advances all runners
  • A retreats all runners
Right Up Left Down
1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Home

Credit to Dandolo for the breakdown


Enabling Lock-On provides some batting assistance on getting the barrel of the bat to the ball. There are 5 levels of Lock-On, the higher the number, the more assistance provided.

Analog / Digital controls

This setting pertains to your pitching and batting cursor.

  • Analog mode will act like a rubber-band that will try to pull your cursor to the center, so you must hold your joystick in the position you want to pitch/bat.
  • Digital mode will maintain your cursor where you place it rather than pulling it back to center, so you do not have to hold the joystick in position.


Best Good Normal Bad Worst
This removes all Red (Negative) abilities General stat increase Neutral base abilities/stats General stat decrease This removes most Blue (Positive) abilities
  • These conditions vary from game to game, and tend to go up and down and back up.
  • A player with any condition higher than Normal will have faster breaks on their pitches, larger hitting zones with their bats, and so on. Conversely, having a condition lower than Normal will negatively affect performance.


For most Championships, there will be a cost limit on your team (Pitchers, Fielders, Total Cost). To maximize your roster and spending as little as possible, consider these players and ideas:

  • Morumoto (highest speed out of 0 cost characters)
  • Tamura, DJB-78 and Matsukura (Competent 0 cost pitchers, good top speed with decent control and stamina stat)
  • Karen Amane (Base)

(Thanks to bren and Frisk for the tips!)

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