Pitch Types

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There are 25 known pitch types in MLB Power Pros, each assigned a direction on the 8-direction control stick.

A pitcher can have up to two pitches per direction. Generally, the pitches will break in the general direction of the control stick (fastballs stay up, off-speed pitches are down, sliders and shuutos break horizontally, curveballs and screwballs diagonally).

NOTE: The maxed speeds listed are for the worst condition (purple). Add approximately 1 MPH for each level above worst condition. For example, if you were in pink mood, the maxed speed would be about 4 MPH faster than listed.


Pitch Types By Direction

The following list is for RIGHT-HANDED pitchers in Behind BATTER View. For a south-paw (or behind-pitcher view), just swap left (left-down) and right (right-down).


4-Seam Fastball (4SFB)

  • Max Speed: Equal to pitcher's Top Speed
  • Break: None (Exceptions apply)
  • The default pitch; can be thrown without entering UP. The fastest known pitch with no break. Has backspin.
  • A misthrown pitch will also result in a 4SFB, often right in the middle of the strike zone with severely diminished speed.

Ability Effects

  • Gyroball: 4SFB will have a football-like spin. Breaks downward slightly in MLB Power Pros 2007. No break in MLB Power Pros 2008.
  • Shuuto Spin: 4SFB will occasionally have slight arm-side break.

2-Seam Fastball (2SFB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 3mph
  • Break: Down and in to right handed batters.
  • Is always the secondary pitch for its direction. Unlike other breaking pitches, only has 3 levels of movement.


Slider (SLD)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 10mph
  • Break: Away from right handed batters.
  • The basic pitch for this direction, a pitch with side spin and large horizontal movement. Drops very slightly.

Hard Slider (H-SLD)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 6mph
  • Break: Away from right handed batters sharply.
  • Similar to the Slider, but faster and with a sharper and smaller break.

Cutter (CUT)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 6mph
  • Break: Away from right handed batters very sharply.
  • Similar to the Hard Slider, but even faster and with a sharper and smaller break.


Curveball (CB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 16mph
  • Break: Down and away from right handed batters.
  • The basic pitch for this direction, a breaking ball that moves diagonally.

Slow Curve (SCB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 26mph
  • Break: Down and away from right handed batters.
  • Similar to the Curveball, but a slower pitch with a bigger, loopy break.

Drop Curve (DCB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 19mph
  • Break: Down and away from right handed batters. More vertical movement than horizontal.
  • Pitch name may show up as "DROP" in a player created in MLB Life mode (2008).

Slurve (SLV)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 14mph
  • Break: Down and away from right handed batters. More horizontal movement than vertical.
  • A pitch halfway between a Curveball and Slider. Smaller break than either.

Knuckle Curve (KNCB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 12mph
  • Break: Down and away from right handed batters. More vertical movement than horizontal.
  • A fast, hard-breaking Curveball.


Changeup (CHG)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 18mph
  • Break: Straight down
  • The basic pitch for this direction, an off-speed pitch to disrupt hitters' timing. Unique in that all pitchers will get the same arm action as the 4SFB on this pitch, regardless of Gd Delivery ability.

Circle Changeup (CCHG)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 17mph
  • Break: Down with slight movement away from left handed batters.

Palmball (PALM)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 23mph
  • Break: Down with small horizontal movement at random.

Forkball (FORK)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 14mph
  • Break: Down with tumbling action.
  • Breaks sharper than Changeups.

Splitter (SPLT)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 9mph
  • Break: Down with late tumbling action.
  • A sharper and faster variant of the Forkball.

Foshball (FOSH)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 13mph
  • Break: Down with tumbling action.
  • Similar to the Forkball but slightly faster with a smaller break.

Vertical Slider (V-SLD)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 12mph
  • Break: Down with tumbling action. Slight horizontal movement away from right-handed batters.

Knuckleball (KN)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 24mph
  • Break: Random movement, primarily downward.
  • Appears to float a while before breaking sharply before home plate.


Sinker (SNK)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 16mph
  • Break: Down and in to right-handed batters.
  • The basic pitch for this direction, is actually more of a reverse curve ball than a fastball with sinking action.

Hard Sinker (H-SNK)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 12mph
  • Break: Down and in to right-handed batters.
  • Similar to Sinker, but faster and with a sharper and smaller break.

Screwball (SC)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 16mph
  • Break: Down and in to right-handed batters.
  • Nearly identical to Sinker, but with a smaller break.


Sinking Fastball (SIFB)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 6mph
  • Break: In to right-handed batters sharply with slight sinking action.
  • The basic pitch for this direction.

Shuuto (SHU)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 8mph
  • Break: In to right-handed batters and away from left-handed batters.
  • Less downward and more horizontal movement than the SIFB.

Hard Shuuto (H-SHU)

  • Max Speed: 4SFB - 6mph
  • Break: In to right-handed batters and away from left-handed batters.
  • Similar to a Shuuto, but faster and with a sharper and smaller break.


The following pitch types cannot be categorized by the direction of the control stick.

Original Pitch

The Original Pitch (ORIG) is not one pitch, but any pitch (except the 4SFB and 2SFB) that has been customized in Success Mode; A Slider-based Original Pitch will be horizontal pitch, one based on a Curveball will be diagonal, and so forth. you can get it in 2008 by completing sittch's arc in success mode, in 2007 you get it by DAD '07 through random events with him (2nd event "important one" is that rudy talks to DAD '07 and then your dad should come to train you a few weeks later.

Pitch Out

During games, a Pitch Out can be used to intentionally walk a batter, spoil hit-and-run attempts, or to throw out basestealers effectively.

Arm Action on Pitches

When a pitcher throws any breaking pitch other than the Changeup (CHG), they will hold on to the ball slightly longer than they would a 4SFB, making it possible to distinguish whether the pitch is a 4SFB or a breaking pitch at the point of release .

Pitchers with the Good Delivery ability are immune to this effect, as they have the 4SFB arm action on all pitches.

Basic Pitch Types

The most basic type of pitch for a particular direction (excluding UP) is significant in Success Mode in that they are the only pitch types a player can have as a Starting Stat. They are:

  • Slider (SLD)
  • Curve (CB)
  • Changeup (CHG)
  • Sinker (SNK)
  • Sinking Fastball (SIFB)

These pitch types are the cheapest to upgrade for their respective directions.

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